member info


Leinster Square Gardens Association (LSGA) was set up in 1976 to rebuild the gardens after a long period of neglect.

The gardens are owned by Leinster Square Gardens Ltd (Memorandum and Articles of Association), a private not-for-profit company set up by the LSGA and administered by a volunteer committee elected from and by the membership.

Residents of Leinster Square, and some addresses Hereford Road, may apply for membership of LSGA. Membership entitles the household to a key to the garden, voting rights at the AGM (one vote per household) and for a member of the household to stand for election to the LSGA Committee.

The LSGA Committee is responsible for managing the Garden in accordance with the Rules of the Leinster Square Gardens Association and the Articles of Association of Leinster Square Gardens Ltd (see above).

The Committee's main responsibility is to ensure that the garden is well maintained and able to fulfil its role as a place of quiet enjoyment for key-holders and their guests.

This includes raising sufficient income to pay for plants, gardening and capital works and encouraging garden users to observe the bye-laws.


Chair: Claire Tallis

Secretary: Andrew Fettis

Treasurer: Julie Drake

Committee Members: Jane Baker, Paul Gardiner, Tessa Kerwood, Harvey Langston-Jones, Tom Ossieur, Alice Schaffer, Tod Stewart, Haseeb Usmani


The 2024 Leinster Square Gardens Association AGM will be held at 8pm on Tuesday 12 November, at St Matthew's Church.

Any members who are unable to attend may ask someone else to exercise a proxy and vote on their behalf. Proxy forms may be downloaded here or are available from the Secretary. Please ask your proxy to arrive by 7.45pm latest.



The Committee meets approximately three times a year and elections for all positions are held annually at the AGM.

We welcome applications from new candidates. Candidates must be members of LSGA and proposed & seconded by other garden members. Nomination forms may be downloaded here.


Our statement is here.